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Fry, E. C.
The Condition of the Urban Wage Earning Class in Australia in the 1880's
Unpublished, 1956

Eric Fry's doctoral thesis was a pioneering work of labour history and was one of
the first Australian History PhDs awarded in Australia. However, it was never
published. For a study of its significance, see Andrew Wells, 'From Workshop to
Factory: Eric Fry's doctoral thesis' in Jim Hagan and Andrew Wells (eds), The
Maritime Strike: A Centennial Retrospective. Essays in Honour of E. C. Fry, Five
Islands Press, Wollongong, 1992, pp. 1-12.

This copy of the principal volume belonged to Eric's friend at the University of New
England, Don Atkinson. It was kindly made available for the Reason in Revolt website
by Don Atkinson's daughter, Berenice Nyland, and her husband Chris Nyland. The other
volume, which consists of appendices, is probably available in the ANU Library.

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