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Friends of the Earth
Not Negotiable.
Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia. [This scan courtesy of Friends of the Earth, Melbourne], Melbourne, 2012, 2 pp

This flier was produced in the format of a postcard. The flier serves two purposes, firstly to promote their campaign and secondly, on the reverse, as a prepared written letter to be filled in and sent to the addressed, by those wishing to support the campaign.
In this case, the flier is campaigning for the Commonwealth Government to stand against proposals to change the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act by moving federal approval power to state governments. The campaigning letter is addressed to Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. FOE's aim is for the postcard to be completed and sent to Gillard by those wishing to place pressure on the government. To ensure the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is upheld and strengethened, not weakened by the Buisness Council of Australia, in order to protect Australia's unique and precious wildlife and environment. [This scan prepared by Beth Hallett]