Australian Socialist League: Constitution and Rules, 1892

To come into operation on and after the 1st May 1892.


1. That this organisation be called the AUSTRALIAN SOCIALIST LEAGUE.


2. The objects of the Australian Socialist League shall be the realisation of State Socialism.
3. The members of the League are expected to subordinate all other political associations to the Australian Socialist League. Persons desirous of joining shall be shown this rule, in order that they may pledge themselves thereto; after so doing they shall be eligible for membership, subject to the approval of the Executive.
4. The minimum subscription shall be Is. per month, payable in advance.
5. Any comrade three months in arrears ceases to be a member of the League, unless disabled through sickness or want of employment.
6. The general meeting of members shall be held on the first Saturday in every month; other Saturday evenings to be devoted to debates on Socialism, &c.
7. The officers of the Australian Socialist League shall consist of an Executive of eight members, General Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and two Trustees, five to form a quorum.
8. The election of officers to take place at the first general meetings in January and July respectively. Vacancies may be filled at any regular meeting, with the exception of the Trustees, who shall be elected annually in January.
9. Any member of the Executive Committee being absent from three consecutive meetings, without a satisfactory explanation, his seat shall be declared vacant, and another elected in his place at the next general meeting.
10. A complete balance sheet, with statement of assets and liabilities, shall be presented at the general meetings in the months of January, April, July, and October, made up to the end of the preceding month. A statement of the finances of the League to be made at the general meeting in each month, and at every meeting of the Executive; all accounts for payment to be passed at such Executive Meeting.
11. The Secretary is instructed to call special meetings if ten financial members request him to do so. The business to be transacted at such meeting to be stated in writing to the Secretary.
12. In the event of any member acting contrary to, or betraying the interest of the Australian Socialist League, his actions shall be first considered by the Executive, who will decide thereon, referring the matter, if necessary, to the general body at the first regular meeting, or shall be empowered to call a special meeting for that purpose, and the offending member may be expelled only by a majority vote at the same meeting, the offending member to be summoned to attend.
13. Any member having a grievance must submit the same in writing to the Executive, who will deal with it, and, if necessary, refer it to the general meeting for consideration.


14. have entire control over their own internal affairs, subject only to the Constitution of the Australian Socialist League.
15. A conference of delegates from all Branches will be held at least once every six months, such conference to consist of one delegate for every thirty members, or fraction thereof.
16. The business of the conference shall be the consideration of the political situation, and what steps should be taken by Socialists throughout the colony to ensure united action, and such other business as may properly be brought before it.
17. Members of Branches have the right to speak and vote on all questions not affecting the internal working of other Branches. To entitle members to this privilege Branches, including the Central Body, will pay 10 per cent. of their subscriptions into a Central Fund. The fund thus established to be administered by the Central Branch. This rule does not apply to members who have been expelled from any Branch.

Clause 18-24 have been omitted, as they dealt with routine matters of procedure and finance.

Propaganda Committee

1. That the above shall adopt the title of Central Propaganda Committee of the Australian Socialist League.
2. That it shall be assisted by sub-committees of three persons throughout New South Wales.
3. That it shall administer the Propaganda Fund, and have full control over the same. The said Fund to be raised by voluntary donations, and subsidised by all Branches of the League to the extent of 10 per cent. of their members' subscriptions.
4. That the said committee shall have full power to select and publish leaflets and other Socialist literature intended for the propagation of the general principles of Socialism; also, full power to call open-air and other meetings, organise demonstrations, and devise means for the furtherance of Socialism in the colony.
5. That the office of the committee be at the head-quarters of the League.

James Normington Rawling Collection, ANU Archives of Business and Labour, Item N57/330. Reprinted in David Lovell, Marxism and Australian Socialism before the Bolshevik Revolution, pp.251-252