- Title
- Occupy Reflects Journal
- Imprint
- Melbourne, October, 2012, 51 pp
- Url
- Abstract
Reflections on the Occupy Melbourne movement by several participants. Contents include: " Editor's introduction", "The Eviction of one Space the Start of Another", "Consensus Decision-Making", "Where to Now for Occupy Melbourne?", "Occupy as a Work of Art", "The Anarchist Roots of the Occupy Movement", "For the Women of Occupy", "Power and Privilege at Occupy Melbourne", "Post-Occupy", "The First Aid and Care Team: The Secret Origin of an Affinity Group", "What Occupy Means to Me: Fledgling Steps", "Three Lessons from Occupy", "It's Easy to Light a Flame, Harder to Keep it Burning", "Lost Opportunities: Political Alliances and Democratic Politics", "General Assemblies: An Overview", "Promise and Resistance", "Occupying the Law", "A Socio-Political Analysis of Occupy Melbourne", "What is Possible Now?"