Browse Entries

Australian Women's Conference for Victory in War and Victory in Peace (1943)

Political Event


The Australian Women’s Conference for Victory in War and Victory in Peace was held in November 1943, organised around the theme ‘A War to Win, a World to Gain’. In a feat of organisational excellence, given the restrictions placed on interstate travel during war time, ninety-one women’s organisations from around Australia met in Sydney, Australia, to discuss post war reconstruction and the ‘problems that will effect women and children in the post war period.’ The Australian Women’s Charter, which documents the resolutions brought forward during the conference and is considered a landmark feminist manifesto, was an important outcome of the conference.

See Australian Women's Archive Project

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  • Australian Women’s Conference, Australian woman’s charter, 1943, which comprises the resolutions adopted by the Australian Women’s Conference for victory in war and victory in peace, Australian Women’s Conference Committee, Sydney, 1943. Image PDF Details