Browse Entries - M
- Macintyre, Stuart (1947 - ), Academic, Activist and Historian
- Maitland, Sarah, Writer
- Malaya Emergency (1948 - 1960)
- Malayan Emergency (1948 - 1960)
- Maloney, William Robert (1854 - 1940), Activist, Parliamentarian and Socialist
- Mandel, Ernest (1923 - 1995), Activist and Theorist
- Mann, Thomas (1856 - 1941), Activist
- Maoism
- Maralinga
- Maritime Strike 1890
- Marquet, Claude (1869 - 1920), Cartoonist
- Marriage
- Marshall, Alan (1902 - 1984), Novelist
- Marshall, Vance
- Martin, David (1915 - 1997)
- Marx House
- Marx School
- Marx, Karl (1818 - 1883), Activist, Communist, Theorist and Writer
- Marxism
- Matteson, Michael (Mike), Activist and Anarchist
- May Day
- Maynard, Fred, Activist
- Maza, Bob, Activist
- McClintock, Herbert (1906 - 1985), Activist and Cartoonist
- McFarlane, Bruce
- McGinness, Joe (1914 - 2003), Activist
- McGregor, Peter (1947 - 2008), Academic, Activist, Anarchist and Socialist
- McGuiness, Bruce B., Activist
- McPhillips, Leslie John "Jack" (1910 - 2004), Communist and Trade Unionist
- McQueen, Humphrey, Writer
- Meanjin
- Meanjin papers
- see Meanjin
- Media
- Melbourne Anarchist Club (1886 - 1889)
- Melbourne Anarchist Club (2001 - )
- Melbourne Effeminist Movement
- Melbourne Gay Liberation Newsletter (1972 - 1978)
- Melbourne Trades Hall (1856 - )
- Melbourne Trades Union Equal Pay Committee (1940 - 1965)
- Melbourne University Labour Club
- Melbourne Workers Theatre
- Menzies, Robert Gordon (Bob) (1894 - 1978), Politician
- Mercer, Jan
- Middle-east
- Migrants and Migration
- Miles, John Bramwell (Jack) (1888 - 1969), Activist and Communist
- Militant Women's Movement (1928 - )
- Military Bases
- see United States Military Bases in Australia
- Miller, John
- see Lane, William (1861 - 1917), Activist, Editor and Journalist
- Minority Movement
- Modernism
- Monarchism
- Monash Labor Club
- Money
- see Finance Capital
- Morrison, John
- Mortier, Paul, Activist and Religious Official
- Movement against uranium mining (1976 - )
- Movement against war and fascism
- Multiculturalism
- Mum Shirl
- see Perry Smith, Shirley (Mum Shirl) (1924 - 1998), Activist
- Mundey, Jack, Trade Unionist
- Murphy, George Read (1856 - 1925), Writer
- Music