Browse Entries - A
- 1850's radicalism
- 1850's Victorian goldfields
- 1880's radicalism
- 1951 Referendum (Communist Party Dissolution) (22 September 1951)
- 1955 Split (ALP - DLP)
- see Australian Labor Party - 1955 Split
- 1967 Civil Liberties March
- 1967 Referendum (Indigenous Rights) (27 May 1967)
- 1982 Commonwealth Games Protests
- 1999 Seattle WTO Protests
- see N30
- see Australian Aborigines League (1934 - )
- see Australian Aboriginal Progress Association (1925 - 1927)
- Aarons, Lawrence [Laurie] (1917 - 2005), Activist and Communist
- Aboriginal Australians
- see Indigenous Australia
- Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
- see Indigenous Australia - Deaths in Custody
- Aboriginal Embassy
- see Indigenous Australia - Embassy (1972 - )
- Aboriginal Sovereignty
- see Indigenous Australia - Sovereignty
- Aboriginal Workers Strike - Darwin
- see Indigenous Workers Strike - Darwin (1950 - 1951)
- Aborigines
- see Indigenous Australia
- Aborigines Advancement League (Victoria) (1967 - )
- Aborigines Progressive Association (1937 - )
- Abortion
- Accord
- see Prices and Incomes Accord (1983 - 1996)
- ACT UP Melbourne
- ACT UP Sydney
- Active Service Brigade (1893 - c. 1905)
- Affinity Groups
- Afro-asian movement
- see Non-aligned movement
- Alice Springs Peace Group (1979 - 1993)
- see Australian Labor Party (1891 - )
- ALR Magazine
- see Australian Left Review (1966 - 1993)
- Anarcha-feminism
- Anarchism
- Anarchism - 1990s
- Anarchism - 2000s
- Anarchist Black Cross
- Anarcho-Syndicalism Network
- Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation (c. 1980 - )
- Andrade, David (1859 - 1928), Activist, Anarchist and Bookseller
- Andrews, John Arthur (1865 - 1903), Activist, Anarchist, Poet and Publisher
- A-Net
- see Anet (1993 - ?)
- Anet (1993 - ?)
- Angry Penguins (c. 1940 - c. 1946)
- Angry Penguins Broadsheet
- see Angry Penguins (c. 1940 - c. 1946)
- ANI-Comeng Dispute (1983 - )
- Anti-apartheid movement (1961 - 1994)
- Anti-fascism
- Anti-globalisation Movement
- Anti-logging campaigns - Victoria
- Anti-militarism
- see Peace movements
- Anti-nuclear - 2000-2024
- Anti-nuclear Activism
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-Sweating League (1895)
- Apartheid
- Arbitration and Conciliation
- Archibald, John Feltham
- see Archibald, Jules François (1856 - 1919), Editor and Journalist
- Archibald, Jules François (1856 - 1919), Editor and Journalist
- Arena Journal
- see Arena (1963 - )
- Arena (1963 - )
- see Australian Republican Movement
- see Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (1952 - )
- see Australian Socialist League (1887 - c. 1907)
- Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (1912 - )
- Australasian Socialist Party (c. 1912 - c. 1920)
- Australian Abo Call (1938 - )
- Australian Aboriginal Progress Association (1925 - 1927)
- Australian Aborigines League (1934 - )
- Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament
- see Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament
- Australian Assembly for Peace
- Australian Church (1884 - 1957)
- Australian Communist: a journal of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung thought (1963 - 2001)
- Australian Conservation Foundation (1965 - )
- Australian Convention of Peace and War (1953)
- Australian Council of Salaried & Professional Associations (1956 - 1979)
- Australian Council of Trade Unions (1927 - )
- Australian Federation of Women Voters
- Australian Freedom League
- Australian Greens
- Australian Industrial Relations Commission
- see Industrial Relations Commission
- Australian Labor Party - 1955 Split
- Australian Labor Party - Criticism of
- Australian Labor Party (1891 - )
- Australian Labour Federation (1889 - c. 1914)
- Australian Left Review (1966 - 1993)
- Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives (1978 - )
- Australian Marxist Review (1972 - )
- Australian National Industries-Comeng Dispute
- see ANI-Comeng Dispute (1983 - )
- Australian New Writing (1943 - 1946)
- Australian Peace Alliance (1915 - c. 1918)
- Australian Peace Congress (16 April 1950)
- Australian Peace Council (1949 - c. 1963)
- Australian Radical (1887 - 1889)
- Australian Republican Movement
- Australian Republican Party
- see Republican Party of Australia (1982 - )
- Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (1952 - )
- Australian Socialist League (1887 - c. 1907)
- Australian Socialist Party
- Australian Union of Democratic Control (for the Avoidance of War) (c. 1914 - 1966)
- Australian Western Sahara Association
- Australian Women's Conference for Victory in War and Victory in Peace (1943)
- Australian Women's Peace Army (1915 - 1919)
- Australian Workers Union (1905 - )
- see Australian Western Sahara Association
- see Australian Workers Union (1905 - )