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Kuhn, Gabriel




Gabriel Kuhn is an anarchist author who is currently (in 2009) based in Sweden. He was born in Austria but has lived in many countries including the US. His books include Life Under the Jolly Roger:Anarchism and Piracy; Becoming -Animal, Becoming Black, Becoming-Woman; and An Introduction to Political Post-Structuralism. He is a co-founder of Alpine Anarchist productions, a DIY publishing project that has released numerous pamphlets, many of which have been authored by Kuhn, including the Anarchist Football (Soccer) Manual and others under different pseudonyms. He is a member of two syndicalist unions, the SAC (the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden) and the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). He now works with the long-standing anarchist journal, Brand, and is currently visiting Australia.


Sound recordings

  • Kerin, Dave; Kuhn, Gabriel., The Return of the One Big Union? Syndicalism and the IWW in Australia and Sweden., Interview with Dave Kerin and Gabriel Kuhn; 46.43 minutes., Reason in Revolt: Source Documents in Australian Radicalism, Melbourne, 27 November 2009. MP3 Details