Browse Functions - J
- journal
- The Ballarat Times (1854 - 1861)
- Chain Reaction (1975 - )
- Destroyer 267
- International - organ of the Australian Section of the Fourth International (1960 - 1976)
- Labor Militant (1981 - 1984)
- Overland (1954 - )
- Red and Black: An Anarchist Journal (1965 - 2001?)
- Treason (1979 - 1986)
- Woozy
- Journalist
- Archibald, Jules François (1856 - 1919), Editor and Journalist
- Australian Communist: a journal of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung thought (1963 - 2001)
- Champion, Henry Hyde (1859 - 1928), Activist, Journalist and Publisher
- Deakin, Alfred (1856 - 1919), Journalist, Politician and Writer
- Grover, Montague MacGregor (Monty) (1870 - 1943), Journalist and Writer
- Holland, Harry [Henry Edmund] (1868 - 1933), Activist, Journalist and Politician
- Lane, William (1861 - 1917), Activist, Editor and Journalist
- Lawson, Louisa (1848 - 1920), Editor and Journalist
- Lockwood, Rupert (1908 - 1997), Activist, Communist and Journalist
- Rosa, Samuel Albert (1866 - 1940), Activist, Journalist, Novelist and Politician
- Stephens, Alfred George (1865 - 1933), Editor and Journalist
- Winspear, William Robert (Bob) (1855 - 1944), Editor and Journalist